Senologická sekce ČGPS

Sekce perinatální medicíny

Literatura k odborné části

  1. Alexander, F.E., Anderson, T.J., Brown, H.K., Forrest, A.P., Hepburn, W., Kirkpatrick, A.E.: The Edinburgh randomized trial of breast cancer screening: results after 10 years of follow-up. Br. J. Cancer, 70, 1994, s. 542-548.
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  15. Gotzsche, P.C., Olsen, O..: Is screening for breast cancer with mammography justifiable ? Lancet, 355, 2000, s. 129-134.
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  18. Hendrick, R.E., Smith, R.A., Rutledge, J,H.3rd, Smart, C.R.: Benefit of screening mammography in women aged 40-49: a new meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. Monogr., 22, 1997, s. 87-92.
  19. Holmberg, L., Ekbom, A., Calle, E., Kokdad, A., Byers, T.: Breast cancer mortality in relation to self-reported use of breast self-examination. A cohort study of 450 000 women. Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 43, 1997, s. 137-40.
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  23. Miller, A.B., To, T., Baines, C.J., Wall, C.: The Canadian National Breast Screening Study: update on breast cancer mortality, Monogr. Natl. Cancer Inst., 22, 1997, s. 37-44.
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  30. Shapiro, S., Venet, W., Strax, P., Venet, L.: Periodic screening for breast cancer: the health insurance plan project and its sequelae, Baltimore, John Hopkins Press, 1988
  31. Swift, M., Reitnauer, P.J., Morrell, D., Chase, C.L.: Breast and other cancers in families with ataxia-telangiectasia. NEJM, 316, 1987, s. 1289 - 94.
  32. Tabar, L., Fagerberg, G., Chen, H.H., Duffy, S.W., Smart, C.R., Gad, A.: Efficacy of breast cancer screening by age. New results from the Swedish Two-County Trial, Cancer, 75, 1995, s. 2507-2512.
  33. UZIS ČR 200, Novotvary 1997.
  34. Varey, J.M., Evans D.G.R.: Li-Fraumeni syndrome-a molecular and clinical review. Br. J. Cancer, 76, 1997, 1, s. 1-14.
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